The roots of the Multicultural Health Brokers’ work are planted in our Peri-natal Health program.
For almost 2 decades, we have been celebrating expectant and new parents and their families.
We form relationships with families through facilitated pre-natal classes and group sessions; we provide caring support to individuals through pre-natal, post-natal, and early parenting; and we help families access Alberta Health Services Health for Two resources. The trust we build with families begins with our pre-natal health support for families.
“When a pregnant woman comes to me, I am not just dealing with her and her pregnancy. If they are new to Canada, there are questions like do they have housing, jobs, are their other children in school, do they have furniture, clothes for the baby, does their husband need help with resume writing.”
– Irene, Multicultural Health Broker.
The Peri-natal Health Program connects with families with a uniquely culturally and linguistically relevant approach. The families we serve belong to these communities: Afghani, Arabic-speaking, Bhutanese, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Filipino, Former Yugoslavian, Iraqi, Karen, Korean, Kurdish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish-speaking, Somali, South Asian, Sudanese, Turkish and Vietnamese.
Our collaborative program is proud of a long history of funding, training and resourcing support from Alberta Health Services – Public Health, Edmonton Zone.