Knowledge mobilization and advocacy work is integral to our overarching objectives which aim to impact longer-term systemic change. We seek to work in collaboration with community agencies, grassroots groups and cross sectoral partners and stakeholders to generate and share knowledge, tools and resources to support the Edmonton food system to innovate, collaborate and improve responsiveness and relevance to the unique needs of newcomer populations.
Our knowledge mobilization and advocacy work is anchored upon our deep relationships to the ethnocultural community and acute understanding of the immediate socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, inflation and deepening socioeconomic hardship and how it has challenged many families to secure basic needs such as food and housing. We apply an intersectional lens to ensure food insecurity is situated and contextualized within the broader context of poverty.
The MCHB works to advocate and mobilize knowledge at key tables & networks including the City of Edmonton Interagency Food Security Round Table, Edmonton Food Council and Food Secure Canada. See below for more information on our advocacy & knowledge mobilization work !
MCHB Food Security Reports & Tools
Key Concepts that anchor our work and Additional resources on Food Insecurity & Poverty
Local Reports:
National Reports:
Food Dignity Podcasts/Panel Speaker/Lunch & learns etc.
- 2022, September – Gateway Association. Gateway to Advocacy: Focus on Food Security
- 2022, July – John Humphrey Centre for Human Rights. Lunch and Learn with Multicultural Health Brokers on Food Dignity Program
- 2022, January – University of Alberta MBA BUEC 678 LEC B1 Managing Business-Government Relations in Canada
- 2021, October – Rhizome Podcast Immigrant and Refugee Food Justice with Julia Tran
- 2021, March – Leftovers Edmonton Foundation. WastED Webinar Exploring food waste in Edmonton Webinar 2
- 2021, March – Canadian Nutrition Society. Nutrition in Diverse Populations. Setting the stage: innovative programs to provide healthy and affordable food to Canadians in need
Grocery Run in the Media:
- Transforming Edmonton- City Farm Harvest Grows Awareness of Food Security in Edmonton
- Edmonton Journal Front Page November 18 2020
- Edmonton Journal November 18 2020
- CTV News Oct 7 2021- Edmonton charity says its in need of funding to continue feeding less fortunate
- Global News Oct 2 2021- Grocery Run Program provides weekly essentials to more than 3200 newcomers, refugees in Edmonton
- Global News October 10 2021- Edmonton’s Grocery Run Food Program stretched thin by rising need for help
- Edmonton Journal Oct 7 2021- A rise in demand for food puts the Grocery Run program in jeopardy
- Edmonton Journal October 6 2021- Food hamper program for impoverished seniors, refugees launches funding campaign
- CBCListen Radio Active- Grocery Run Helps newcomers and refugee families in Edmonton
Khair for All in the media:
- CBC News November 26 2021- New food box service combines caring hearts, powerful partnerships to fight food insecurity
- March 26 2022- CBC News- Edmonton groups fighting food insecurity with innovation

Thank you to our partners and funders on advocacy and knowledge mobilization!