The goal of Intercultural FRN is to rethink and reconfigure roles, approaches, and working relationships in the area of prevention and early intervention, with the guiding vision that all Alberta children and youth, ages 0-18 have equitable access to effective, culturally rooted support and services that foster resiliency.
This program serves all children and youth ages 8-18 and their families, with a focus on cultural minority and racialized individuals in the Edmonton and Area region. Our program is available in multiple languages.
The Family Resource Network is an inclusive and accessible family focused child and youth centred community-based network that offers a full continuum of prevention and early intervention services including universal, targeted and intensive services and supports based on the needs of families and children and youth aged 0-18 years
The intercultural FRN is fashioned after the Hub and Spoke model. The Hub and Spokes model was chosen because it is characterized by flexibility and adaptability which ensures that the delivery of services within the three core domains of child development, caregiver capacity-building and social connections.
MCHB, as the centre of the Hub, provides three services:
- Home visitation
- Multicultural Family Connections
- Culturally Responsive Early Childhood Development
Spoke partners provide a range of services including:

Provides youth mentoring and holistic family support (Family violence)

Provides support in the area of parent education in several different languages

Provides children and youth mentoring

MCHB is also a spoke agency to Family Futures Resource Network which includes:
- Providing culturally safe and relevant, trauma-informed support to families through collaborative practice with Families Futures Resource Network staff.
- The collaboration ensures that parents and caregivers have increased connections to their community and culturally rooted support.
- They also have social connections to provide support during times of stress or adversity. In order to achieve this, build the capacity to staff to understand the contextual nature of cultural minority parents and children.
For more information contact Funke Olokude by email at or call 780-423-1973.

This program is supported by funding from the Government of Alberta, Ministry of Children Services.