Media, Videos and Stories from our Communities
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Watch “River City Bridges”
“River City Bridges” is a 2020 video from the Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative in the culturally diverse “River City” of Edmonton, Alberta Canada. It provides an updated story of where this unique award-winning workers co-operative is at since the founding members came together in 1993 in relation to the health equity and social inclusion of cultural minorities in Edmonton.
It highlights the essential practice of Multicultural Health Brokers in their roles as Cultural Brokers (relational bridges) and how this practice impacts those they serve and those they collaborate with. It ends with a call for action to everyone within the context of shared humanity (and “interculturality”) or social inclusion for all – the ultimate goal of MCHB Co-op.
We wish to thank Edmonton Heritage Council, Alberta Community and Co-operative Association and Shawn Tse – videographer for their kind and gracious support in bringing this video from ideas into reality.